Wildfire Graphic Recording

Wildfire Graphic Recording

Bringing together researchers from the US and Canada, this wildfire conference focused on understanding the current science on all aspects of forest management, particularly the increasing threat of wildfires. These wildfire graphic recordings were drawn in real time...
Nicola Wealth Graphic Recording

Nicola Wealth Graphic Recording

At in-person and virtual sessions hosted by Nicola Wealth, we graphic recorded strategies for wealth management and financial investments. These visual notes were drawn in real time, however we consulted with Nicola Wealth ahead of time to ensure the graphics alined...
Caribou Restoration Graphic Recording

Caribou Restoration Graphic Recording

These digital graphic recordings on caribou restoration in British Columbia and Northern Alberta were drawn in real time during talks on some of the main causes of population decline. From increasing predation, to the destruction of old growth forest and hair lichen,...
Vanderbilt University Professional & Patient Advocacy

Vanderbilt University Professional & Patient Advocacy

Some of our favourite projects are when we get to partner with creative thought leaders, and Vanderbilt’s Center for Professional and Patient Advocacy is a standout example! We co-designed an interactive facilitation plan for a multi-day national Roundtable that...