by Tanya Gadsby | Apr 25, 2022
Hybrid graphic recording means we “Zoom in” remotely to an in-person conference to live illustrate ideas. At World Agri-Tech & Food-Tech we did just that! Prior to the event we had a planning call with event organizers to identify key themes, imagery,...
by Tanya Gadsby | Jun 15, 2021
At in-person and virtual sessions hosted by Nicola Wealth, we graphic recorded strategies for wealth management and financial investments. These visual notes were drawn in real time, however we consulted with Nicola Wealth ahead of time to ensure the graphics alined...
by Tanya Gadsby | Jan 11, 2021
These digital graphic recordings on caribou restoration in British Columbia and Northern Alberta were drawn in real time during talks on some of the main causes of population decline. From increasing predation, to the destruction of old growth forest and hair lichen,...