After a whirlwind of a fall that took me from Kamloops, to rural Alberta, to Vancouver, to Calgary in the span of five weeks, I’m excited to be back in my studio working on whiteboard videos and infographics! And of course, catching up on blogging about these exciting projects.
SAMDA Economic Partnership, Ltd. contacted me about graphic recording a series of workshops in three communities across south east Alberta in early October. The purpose was to gather community feedback on the goals for buildings (“Legacy buildings”) in their communities — what opportunities are there for the building? How can we make this happen?

Graphic Recording in Cereal, AB
I drove over 700km across Alberta… from Calgary >> Bindloss >> Cereal >> Hanna >> and back to Calgary! Dropping into each community and really listening to their visions for these buildings was a great experience. Working as a team with the talented facilitator, Karen, and our organizer, Christie, made the whole process run smoothly from one town to the next. I think Bindloss, AB was the smallest community I’ve ever graphic recorded in (and that’s counting Haida Gwaii communities!).
People were passionate about visioning the future of these buildings and keeping the vibrant spark of their communities alive; even getting creative about their branding!
One of my areas of expertise is in strategic visioning with executives and boards, but in working with these small communities I was reminded how the same principles of strategic visioning apply at the community level: idenitifying the goals, visioning the future, and planning actions to achieve these goals (from “quick wins” to longer term objectives).

(not one of the Legacy buildings, thankfully!)