by | Apr 27, 2013 | Graphic Recording


I had a fantastic time graphic recording for the Professional Employees Association 2013 Renewal conference a couple weeks ago. The engaging speakers and passionate audience made for a great session — everyone had something to add, especially during the exercises on Renewal. The energy in the room really kept me on my toes! (Check out the Prezi above that walks through the graphics.)

Graphic recording constantly introduces me to different industries and professions — the beauty of my work is that I get to delve head first into conferences and really get to know what’s driving organizations and the successes or challenges they are facing.

Whether it’s patient journey mapping for families struggling with substance use, or capturing the discussion around tax reform, or helping two different organizations in a BC town see common ground… it’s surprising how often there are common threads between seemingly unconnected industries. Having this “big picture” view really helps me move quickly with discussions and understand different points of view.

But the really rewarding part? Seeing people’s faces light up when they review the graphics; having people interact with the graphics and ask me to add a drawing of something that really stood out to them during the meeting. That’s the power of graphic recording: the meeting becomes something tangible and real. Something that everyone can contribute to.


Graphic Recording Tanya Gadsby


Tanya Gadsby graphic recorder



Creative Director + Graphic Facilitator

[email protected]

Tanya has been working as a graphic facilitator and graphic recorder since 2010. She believes the most effective graphic recording starts with a deep understanding of your organization, topics, and culture. She leads her team at Fuselight Creative with this philosophy in order to deliver a truly unique and engaging experience at conferences and on projects.