Augmented reality (AR) is a tool for annotating graphic recordings or large posters. Think of it as a “hidden digital layer” to deepen the viewer’s understanding of the content. All the viewer needs to do is scan their phone across the graphic to see images, videos, and web links pop up.

Posters on display in office or public spaces, or even displayed in people’s home offices, can be enabled with AR.

Wherever there’s a need to flesh out graphics with knowledge, AR is a powerful tool. The AR can also be updated remotely over time to show changes in data, a strategic plan, or project milestones.

We were the first in the world to pioneer augmented reality that can be updated live in an in-person conference, and we continue to explore innovative uses of this exciting tool.

Fuselight’s founder, Tanya Gadsby, provides an overview of AR and VR and how these tools can be leveraged in virtual and in-person spaces.

Case examples of augmented reality

Graphic Recording In Virtual Reality

Graphic recording in virtual reality is about creating an experience for the viewer, and taking them on a journey through the content. Because this is a 3D environment, we can “hide” ideas for the viewer to discover as they move through the virtual landscape (as shown in the video here).

As not everyone has access to a virtual reality headset, we offer a variety of ways of walking through the 3D environment using a smart phone or computer.

Spatial: Virtual Collaborative Environment

We are also exploring virtual meeting environments such as and how this might move us beyond “talking heads” in Zoom to virtual meetings that are more immersive and powerful than even in-person gatherings.

Spatial allows users to join via VR headset, on their laptop web browser, or via smartphone. Check out the video for a peek at Spatial in action.